10 Pas Pour Te Reconstruire - Art Kintsugi- Résilience

10 steps to rebuild you

I present the 10 essential steps to rebuild you. These are all elements that helped me in my own process, so they are tested!

It's a bit long, sit comfortably, take your favorite drink to savor this article ☕🫖

✨ 1. Reconnect to your feelings, your emotions and your intuition

I used to think of others before myself and being super sensitive and very empathetic, I felt the emotions of others very strongly. And in order not to enter conflicts (thing I hate), I used to stifle my own emotions. Besides, for a long time I was created that my intuition was false when I later discovered that it was deeply fair.

In your journey, many people must have told you that they knew better than you what you had to live, feel or think. You may have stuck to you labels, placed on you thoughts, intentions.

Restore yourself your emotions, your feelings, without judgment, none, just allow yourself to feel them. See what comes out. Take an inventory of what you really feel in the bottom.

 2. Harvest, read inspiring quotes

The weight of words is real and when the hamster in your head that always stinks to you the same thoughts, it is a way to stop the wheel and change these thoughts. Harvesting inspiring thoughts and quotes will help you. There are everywhere: on the internet, in books, in the Bible. Collect these quotes, stick them or write them in a notebook, which will allow you to remember and soak up them.

Your thoughts will lead to your actions, so it is important to choose carefully what thoughts you maintain.

✨ 3. Snow, screw the present!

In difficult or breakage situations, body, soul and mind live a lot of stress.

Remember to take breaks regularly.


Anchor yourself in the here and the now

Slow down your rhythm

Breathe and tell yourself "I'm here, now and it's ok".

✨4. Get around people and things that do you good

When I left my ex-husband at 40, sick, in a wheelchair, without roof or money and to have to rebuild my life, I had to sort out in my relationships. Many who "with all their affection" sent me daggers and ended me while I was already lower than earth. I learned the hard lesson that you could violently hurt someone with a big smile.

Surround yourself with truly benevolent people In order not to undermine the work on yourself that you do, not to discourage yourself in your way. The others will surely want you to take the distance, but it does not matter, preserves above all your inner peace and cherished there.

Also, when after 6 months homeless, I had an apartment, to my great relief, I wanted to start again. I resolved to surround myself with things/objects that I loved, that I found beautiful, which participated in my well-being.

I can only encourage you to make sure to have apleasant environment, Consequently to your well-being, your development, it will make a big difference!

✨5. Make walks in kind

To calm all the thoughts and regain serenity, nothing better than making walks in kind. It already makes you work, which is good for your body and your health. This allows you to get out of your whirlwind. Take the time to observe nature, sounds, smells, to enjoy the caress of the wind, the beauty of a flower, this soothing environment.

Just enjoy this break moment; Not to mention that we are beings made to move and that a better physical and mental balance settles down then.

However, I warn you! You risk no longer being able to do without these privileged moments!😎

6. Cultivate a routine of life that deprives you

You may already spend your life thinking about everything: for your husband, your children, your boss, your dog, your cat (the worst dictators)! 😄). And after all this, you are tired, exhausted and you have nothing left for you. Your tank is empty.

If this is the case, it is urgent to find a daily routine that prioritizes you, which allows you to fill your physical, emotional, spiritual, personal reservoir. Without spending hours there, you can put about twenty minutes along the day just for you: to do a little sport or relaxation, a time of meditation, a time to do an activity that resources you. Find what makes you feel good and dedicate yourself to doing it. It’s not selfishness, it’s about your life.

You are responsible for taking care of yourself, no one else will do it for you then be intransigent on these moments, make it sacred moments and you will find a personal balance that you absolutely need!

✨7. What do you really want? What makes you happy, vibrate?

No, this question is not absurd, it is essential. Take a moment to ask yourself the question and note in a notebook what you really want. Do what you really like. When do you feel crazy well-being, in which you feel vibrating? Note it and do more of all these things in your daily life.

After having been extinguished by difficult tests or circumstances, it is time toreconnect with your interior flame, with your essence, your femininity, your passions. It's time to (re) become this "Vibrant and fulfilled test" test that you are intended to be.

8. Develop your spiritual life

We are not only being made of flesh and soul, but also of mind. For the one who is believers, I encourage you to spend time in the presence of God, to put aAtmosphere of praise and worship. These are times in which you will find peace and healing.

If you do not believe in God, I invite you to take times of meditation, to put in you a positive musical atmosphere, filled with gratitude.The music you listen to has a great influence on your psychological and emotional state(That's why I can't listen to blues too much, it ends up giving me the blues 😅. Take the time to meditate on an inspiring text, so that it echoes you and note what emerges from the arrest of this text.

✨9. make the difference of what is your responsibility and what is not

Often, too often, we take the burden and the concern of things that in the end do not even depend on us.

When a thought bothers you, analyzes what makes up this concern. Look if you can do something or not. If it is your spring then finds solutions with the help of others, if you want or experience the need and for the rest learn to let go.

To remember, nothing better than this "prayer of serenity" attributed to various authors, but after research, taken from a longer prayer made by Dr Reinhold Niebuhr“My God, give me the serenity of accepting things that cannot be changed; Give me the courage to change the things that must be changed; And the wisdom to distinguish one from each other.

✨10. Repeat day after day

All these elements that I told you are not occasional things that you do once and that you then forget. These are stones that will build the base of your new life, which will shape your way of seeing and living day after day.

It happens to lose one or the other of the habits or practices on the way. It is then good to remember them regularly, to remember why they are practiced. These stones may not look like something monumental, but in everyday life, with persistence, these steps will guide your way. Rome was not built in a day and your new life either. Your path is made up of small steps, the main thing is to move forward with courage.

To your new life and your reconstruction!🌸


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