Release of abuse ... and now?
Or how to surf the emotional waves after an abusive situation?
You have Bravely emerged of an abusive situation, whether in a relationship or in the workplace, of a toxic environment that weighed you. Faced with challenges, daily realities, criticism, and your contradictory emotions, it is natural to ask you if leaving was the right choice.
I crossed this path, and I understand how difficult it is to live these contrasting emotions which surge like waves, sometimes even scathing, succeeding or intertwining.
Before exploring more, remember that doubt, emotional waves, sometimes scathing, are completely normal reactions.
I will give you some concrete tips and tools that will help you surf these waves and find your interior anchor.
Life is not linear
You feel pride, the relief of having come out of this environment, but you can also experience anger, the shame of having been so long, fear in front of your immediate future, you can even have thought "that basically it was not that serious." It's normal to feel it all. But be reassured, in the future the waves and their hollows will be less high.
In this post-abbum journey, it is crucial to understand that life after a toxic situation is not a straight line. Emotions may resemble tumultuous waves, with moments of calm followed by emotional storms. Recognizing these fluctuations as a normal part of the process is the first step to find an inner balance.
Famous, even in the hollows
Celebrating your small victories, even in difficult times, is essential. Getting out of an abusive relationship or a toxic environment is an immense achievement! Taking the time to recognize these stages, as modest as they are, is a powerful act of resilience. You can be very proud of yourself, Because you had a lot of courage! So take a moment to celebrate you, whether by a sparkling wine, a foaming bath or what makes you feel good.
Listen and honor your body
After an abusive situation, the connection with the body is often disturbed. Reappear Listen to your body signals, to practice activities that do you good physically, Like dance or walking, honors your body as an ally in your healing journey. Especially if you feel a lot of physical symptoms, your body and your nervous system have been put to the test, then it is crucial to take care of it. They will guide you to your healing!
Come back
In emotional hollows, returning to fundamentals becomes a way to find your interior anchor. Take care of yourself, eat well, sleep well, get rid, and have fun are acts of love towards yourself. These simple gestures can become solid pillars to rebuild your life after abuse. They will be the foundations For your new life!
Give yourself a moment
Before diving into new personal projects, give yourself a moment of care. The transition after an abusive situation can be tumultuous. Take the time to recharge your batteries, to heal, and to find a clear state of mind is essential to build a healthier future. Do not get started in another relationship, another major project, take the time to heal, to choose.
Do not make major decisions during the hormonal upheaval
During post-basting transition, emotional upheavals can be like unpredictable storms. Avoid making major decisions during these tumultuous periods. Especially in so much That women, we are easily subject to hormonal changes and they are not very good advice. Let calm come back Before getting involved in new paths.
Carefully choose your entourage
Having friends about who to count is particularly comforting after an abusive situation. Their support can be a buoy in the post-abbum emotional ocean. You may discover that many people around you will criticize you, denigrate your choice, discourage you. Keep yourself away from people who pull you down and Surround yourself with benevolent people to whom you can confide.
Practice self -compliance
Leaving an abusive situation, it is essential to cultivate self -compassion. Give yourself the same benevolence as you would have towards a close friend. To forgive themselves, to accept your own limits, and to recognize your inner strength are crucial aspects of this process. You are in a vulnerable period and the 100% that you can give you seem very little, but above all, do not inflict on pressure, because after all, you are in convalescence.
Explore your creative expression
Art can be a powerful path to express repressed emotions, to reconnect to your body. Art connects us to our essence of life, our imagination, our ability to dream of good things. Explore Painting, writing, dance, or no matter what tells you. It will help you release the imprisoned emotions.
Established healthy limits
Learning to establish healthy limits is a crucial step towards reconstruction after abuse. Your personal borders have been flouted many times and in different ways. We will have to learn to put your emotional, physical and relational limits. Find out which points are not negotiable for you and keep you firmly! It is your responsibility to take care of yourself, your energy, your health, your life. Say no" becomes an essential act of autonomy and preservation of oneself.
Looking for professional support
When you have lived for a long time in abuse or the toxic environment, it becomes our "normal". We sometimes need external professional help to help us see more clearly, put the thermostat back in the right place, to help us see our erroneous beliefs that kept us in this environment. It is essential to find a secure location Where you can safely explore your experiences and receive suitable advice.
Implement the art of small steps
In the reconstruction process, defining gradual objectives can be powerful. Discover the art of small steps : Fix yourself in realistic, small, but significant objectives, which make it possible to measure progress. Each step accomplished strengthens confidence in you.
Recognize your inner strength
Remember that even if you have been the victim of an abusive situation, you left, and you started your inner strength. Celebrates this force, because it will get you out of your victim status and will help you day after regain control of your life and become a Restored and fulfilled woman.
To encourage you in this way, receive your free card "Restored and Epanouie" 🌸
PS: I expressed these emotional waves in this painting, Let her take inspiration!