As-tu remarqué ceci ? Ce n'est pas juste ! lis l'article de blog pour le découvrir

Have you noticed?

Poverty attracts poverty

Wealth generates wealth

Lack of love leads to a greater lack of love

Fulfilling relationships bring more fulfilling relationships

Suffering attracts more suffering

Joy brings more joy

And so on

It seems so unfair

It is said that the poor should have more money

The rich less

That it is very difficult, if not impossible, to switch from one category to another

And it's a reality

Changing your condition is a journey


And it takes time

To change your limiting beliefs

To go from experiences without negative cess

More positive

This is where time seems endless

Without always having signs of encouragement

I'm going to share with you what helped me a lot

During this transitional time

I am like a child

I have nothing to lose

And everything to discover

I am no longer the one I was

I have everything to learn

And I take every day
With an amazed child
Who is delighted to see what a good surprise
Life brings him today
And thanking for having received it

And then I experienced young and old miracles

Who encouraged me

To advance on this path

And I was able to open myself faster and easily

With joy


The miracle

The life

I hope it will help you on your way

Let me know if it is the case

And above all share this message around you!


PS: I offer you to encourage you in your way, A print card To inspire you on a daily basis!

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