Etre épanouie malgré avoir vécu un trauma, c'est possible ? Image d'une femme souriante.

Being fulfilled despite having experienced a trauma, is it possible?

For having experienced mourning, abuse, disabling disease myself, I know that life sometimes has painful tests that can leave deep scars. A trauma can upset our existence, plunging us into a permanent survival state. This is what I experienced for decades.

But let me tell you one important thing: despite the injuries you have suffered, it is quite possible to find the path of life and fulfillment. Let me guide you towards this so-deserved rebirth.

Accept the past to better move forward:

When we cross a trauma, it is essential to take the time to recognize it and accept it. It is not an easy process, but it is a crucial step to move forward. By recognizing what happened to you, you can start to undo the emotional nodes that hold you prisoner. Don't let your past define who you are today. The real power lies in your ability to get up and build a bright future. An aid of professionals, therapists or others can accompany you on this path, do not hesitate to accept their help which will help you to live this process not obvious in a more secure manner.


Cultivate resilience:

Resilience is this inner force which allows us to bounce back at adversity. Believe me, you have this life force in you, even if you don't realize it yet. Let her grow and bloom. Cultivate it by focusing on your strengths, on what you have and not on what you don't have and carefully nourishing your mind and your body. Your mental health and your thoughts are very important and will be crucial during this path.

Take care of yourself, practice activities that give you joy and calm you down. Surround yourself with benevolent people who support you and encourage you in your journey. Little by little, you will see your injuries turn into scars of courage and resilience.


Let go to open new doors:

The past can often act as a burden, preventing us from moving forward. It's time to let go and let the past behind you. This does not mean forgetting or minimizing what happened, but rather choosing to no longer let these events dictate your future. It is a key element. By letting go, you freed up space for new opportunities and positive experiences. Open up new passions, new projects and new meetings. Allow yourself to be surprised by the wonders that life has to offer you.

Just like for a Kintsugi ceramics, we can put the pieces together, but beyond the simple discount of the elements, you can sublimate what you have experienced, feel in peace and open up to a lifetime richer of fulfillment staff and growth. Be in expansion and fullness.

I know that it is difficult to conceive when you are in the hollow of the wave and everything you see around you are only difficulties, only one day, you can feel better. But to have passed there, I know it is possible. And I am very keen to tell you that it is possible, to give you back this hope. You can get there, it will take time, one step at a time, one day at a time, but it is possible! You can become this woman Restored and fulfilled.

The short answer to the title question is: yes, but the path to fulfillment after a trauma may seem sinuous and long, but it is indeed possible to regain the joy of life. You have in you the strength to rebuild yourself and transform your wounds into strength. Accept your past, cultivate your resilience and let go of what holds you. Life is waiting for you, ready to offer you new horizons. Do not let your trauma define you, but rather use this experience to grow and become the best version of yourself.

Do not forget to register for my newsletter (HERE) to regularly receive artistic advice and inspirations to help you in your journey towards development. Together, we can build a future filled with hope and happiness.

With love and support.

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Merci beaucoup pour le partage de ton expérience et ton désir de transmettre l’espoir ! Que beaucoup puissent être encouragés à se mettre ou remettee en route sur le chemin de la vie ! Affection.

Evelyne FRERE

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