L'Art de la Résilience - De la toile au Coeur. Enfant tenant dans sa main le dessin d'un coeur.

The Art of Resilience: From Canvas to the Heart

The Art of Healing

As Nicolas Robert said so well, Art illuminates what is tarnished in the shadows.
It's through this quote that we can begin to understand the virtues of art therapy. Drawing and painting offer a form of expression that goes beyond words, enabling us to convey an emotion, a feeling, a journey or an idea.

Drawing on my own journey and personal history, I paint resilience. It's a way of expressing lived experiences and giving concrete form to sensations that are sometimes indescribable. It reveals what is usually hidden in the shadows.

Putting these often internalized experiences down on paper makes the emotions we touch with our fingertips tangible. A single image can sum up periods of life, sometimes long ones, more lightly than an entire book. Painting my resilience helps me considerably on my healing journey, and makes me realize how far I've already come.

The act of drawing actively involves me in this process, and sets my emotions and my body in motion. That's probably why I feel so alive when I draw.

From Brush to the Soul of the Other

Although my journey is a personal one, the emotions and suffering I'm going through can be universal. During difficult times, we often feel isolated and that we're the only ones going through these situations, when in reality, others share these same realities, even if they're experienced differently.

This creates a sense of solidarity, empathy and understanding. These moments of "Ah, you've been through it too?" connect me to others and make me realize that we're not alone.

When we go through life's trials and tribulations, those around us often don't really understand what we're going through. To have someone who can truly empathize and grasp every aspect of our words, with an attentive and understanding ear, already does an immense amount of good.

Opening up my art of resilience to others is an effort to get out of myself. This crucial element prevents me from going round in circles around my own difficulties

Breathing Hope

It's essential for me to make sense of what I've been through, so that I can share and inspire others along the way. When we go through brokenness, failure, grief or illness, we often ask ourselves, "What's the point?" or "Is there any hope?". We're discouraged.

I want to deeply communicate hope, to bring lightness where the harsh realities of life have taken up too much space. My aim is to inspire a smile, a sigh of relief, a soothing of the heart, a joy.

I want to share with you the inner strength that can only be forged through obstacles, the life force that will take you a little further, day after day.

The Art of Celebrating

Sometimes we're so focused on our problems, our trials, that we forget to celebrate the beautiful things in life. We forget to celebrate who we've become and the steps we've taken along the way.

With my art, I want to help you celebrate your small and big steps, to cherish the person you've become, to congratulate yourself on how far you've already come.

My wish is that you join me and so many other resilient women in proclaiming loud and clear: " I am restored and fulfilled ».

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